Custom Salesforce solution designed to track the services delivery.
Global Marketing and Sales leader in Email Marketing.
- Once Opportunity is closed there is no way to get insight into the delivery of services promised.
- Finance team unable to keep track of costs and retainers.
- Looking for an easy-to-use solution which can help multiple teams like Sales, Services and Finance.
- Need an insight into historical data.
- All data need to be exportable.
- Designed custom solution based on salesforce native features and components.
- Allows user to define the Deliverable Services (service + price per service) on Opportunity once it is closed.
- On Case Layout, it allows selection of services defined in Opportunity with quantities
- Based on selected services, the revenue is auto generated for each service.
- Created custom report types to generate reports and report data.
- Better management of service deliverables.
- Finance team gets a good insight into products sold and burning of retainers.
- Complete view of Historical data.
- Easy Data Export.