Customer Stories

Services Delivery and Revenue Insight

Custom Salesforce solution designed to track the services delivery.

Key Details


Managing Services and Tracking Revenue for an Opportunity.


Services Delivery Custom solution via Salesforce native Components.

Technologies and tools

Custom Object, Custom Button, Visualforce, Apex, Triggers.


Global Marketing and Sales leader in Email Marketing.


  • Once Opportunity is closed there is no way to get insight into the delivery of services promised.
  • Finance team unable to keep track of costs and retainers.
  • Looking for an easy-to-use solution which can help multiple teams like Sales, Services and Finance.
  • Need an insight into historical data.
  • All data need to be exportable.


  • Designed custom solution based on salesforce native features and components.
  • Allows user to define the Deliverable Services (service + price per service) on Opportunity once it is closed.
  • On Case Layout, it allows selection of services defined in Opportunity with quantities
  • Based on selected services, the revenue is auto generated for each service.
  • Created custom report types to generate reports and report data.


  • Better management of service deliverables.
  • Finance team gets a good insight into products sold and burning of retainers.
  • Complete view of Historical data.
  • Easy Data Export.